Sunday, November 09, 2008

Partially Submerged, Somewhat Deranged.

If someone could tell me what the heck this picture is trying to convey, I would appreciate it. This one, too.


Lone Chatelaine said...

Ugh, that second one is disturbing, which I'm sure is the point. I don't get the first one at all.

Cerulean Bill said...

I suppose the second could be 'babysitters nightmare'...

Unknown said...

Somewhere in the mid-nineties, the Mrs and I were walking along Broadway, just south of Lincoln Center, under some construction scaffolding. Right there, on the sidewalk, was a homeless guy playing a grand piano. He even had a tip jar. I put in a couple of dollars and we never did figure out how he got the piano there.

The second picture: that looks like a replica of a Hamas "promotional" picture from a few years ago (when Arafat was alive). Odd that a gun-nut in the US would pick such a theme, though. (There are a few artists in NY who might choose to do such an image, but I can't imagine any of them would have the requisite, and necessary, naiveté for such a disturbing and compelling image.) It's probably by an anti-gun artist who hit lucky.

Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

An actual grand? Not a baby grand (which would have been amazing enough), but an actual grand? Holy hell. Now, THATS worth a healthy tip.

Practice, baby, practice....

Tabor said...

They both convey unrestrained passion to me and the inability to see anything beyond ones immediate focus.

Cerulean Bill said...

Unrestrained passion? The first, yes, but the second? Interesting. Thats an insight I'd not had.