Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Birthday Reflections

This was a good birthday.

We went for a drive as a family (to use my wife's treasured phrase) down to Lancaster, where we ate lunch at a decent restaurant and then went to a museum of Amish culture that was right across the street, and which was surprisingly good. I would never have expected to see a quilt with the theme of Richard Nixon's resignation, or one about Bill Clinton with, among other things, a McDonalds and the phrase "I never inhaled". Monica was not there.

This evening, we had spaghetti along with those Sicilian Meatballs I made a few days ago, and we had the tiramisu, which wasn't at all bad. I'd like to learn how to make decent chocolate shavings -- which plays right into my birthday gift, a copy of Amendola's Understanding Baking. I was delighted, and started leafing through it again on the way back. My daughter reminded me that I promised to make challah again, and as I have another hunk of dough in the freezer, that should be pretty simple.

So, I'm pleased. No surprise deliveries from Circuit City, but hey, there's always next year.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Bill!


Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

Thanks, CA. I appreciate it.

Lone Chatelaine said...

Meatballs! Yummy!

Sounds like you did have a nice day, Bill. I'm glad :)

Cerulean Bill said...

There are times that I think the older I get, the less it takes to please me...and other times I think the older I get, the more picky I get!