Saturday, August 23, 2008

Driving Myself Crazy

Since I don't have enough opportunities to drive myself crazy these days, I'm going to try to do some major reconstruction on my old PC. If I can, I'm going to

1) take an old drive that's currently formatted into four logical drives and reformat it back into one logical drive
2) install windows onto that drive
3) make that the new boot drive,
4) remove windows from the current boot drive

I know all of this is possible. Whether it's possible for me is a whole nother question. My guess is, somewhere between 1 and 2, I'll render the whole shooting match non-bootable, at which point, I'll go insane. Fortunately, its not a long trip.
Update: Who knew the damn Dell people didn't sell the wireless card for an old Dimension desktop any more? Or that XP's DOS doesn't contain the FDISK command any more? Gribble farnit....

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