Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rainy Day

...but I like rainy days. They sound peaceful to me -- especially right now, as I can hear the wind gently blowing through the trees, and in the distance, a train whistle. And every so often (we're about a quarter mile from the wetlands), I hear geese.

It also helps that a mechanism we set up to automatically transfer funds from one bank account to another started working this month. I have mentioned to some people that one of the minor irritants of being (pick one) /retired/a useless parasite on society/a kept man/ is that I don't get a paycheck. I'm eligible to draw on retirement funds from EDS and from IBM, as well as other sources, but we're not going to do that for another two to three years. What that means is that I've been transferring funds on an as-needed basis from a money fund that's in the same bank as my checking account. Seeing that money fund slowly wind down has been depressing. It shouldn't have been, because we know where the money's going, and its okay (well, pretty much -- still a tad higher than I'd like) but still. Now, we automatically transfer it, so I don't get hit in the face with it every couple of months. As long as we track where its going, and what this means long-term, we'll be in good shape. And we'd be in better shape if the darn stock market would improve... but I imagine we're not alone in thinking that.

I must say, I was gratified to hear Bill Clinton's speech -- I thought it was strong, urgent, and persuasive -- and, though I did not see it (can it be valid if I did not see it occur?), Hillary Clinton's move to suspend the roll call and select Obama by acclimation was (pick one or both) /a shrewd political move/a gracious gesture/. I liked it. Who knows, maybe the Democratic party will learn to play nice. Maybe.

I made those sacurdos last night. Well, I made something that could be called sacurdos. They really weren't very close to it at all, but they were awfully tasty -- the combination of butter and coarse salt inside the roll was quite nice. I'd try it again -- and who knows, maybe -- maybe -- even use the 'approved recipe'. Wow, what a concept!


Lone Chatelaine said...

Ahhh, yes....Nothing like the sound of soft falling rain, gentle whispering wind, and your money hard at work in the background :)

Cerulean Bill said...

My money doesn't work hard. It loafs around in the checking account, watching wistfully through the electronic wall at the international exchange funds, wondering what its like to hang out with Euros and the like.... and occasionally it adds a dime or two to my balance.