Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Interesting Reading

Came across a couple of interesting articles recently.

One was on this person's site where she says, in summary, that the Olympics ought to be accessible in a user-driven format. Want to continue to watch the guys in the middle of the pack on a sprint? Select the camera that has that. Want to watch that finish line crossing again? Replay. Charge for these amenities if you want, but exploit the net and what we know is possible. And for gods sake, ditch the commentators whose sole role appears to be to restate the obvious. Hey, did you hear that the kid who sang the opening was lipsynching?

Another was on the Rolling Stone site, listing how the Democrats can blow this presidental election. I was dismayed to see that it was written by Michael Moore, as I consider him to be a bit of a loon, but what he said made sense to me. If any party could blow it, you know the Democrats would. What was that old line about 'couldn't get laid if he walked into a women's prison with a fistful of pardons'? That's the Dems.

This article, from Network World, laid out how social networking was effective in efforts in New Orleans "to highlight how residents in a handful of the hardest-hit neighborhoods used ingenuity, creativity, digital cameras, Flickr, WordPress, Google Maps and Yahoo Groups to bend rebuilding efforts to the will of the people and away from the wrecking balls swung by city government. " Ingenious.

One of the people who's nice enough to read this blog took my mention of making waffles and did something marvelous with it. Would that I could have done half as well -- I was very impressed.

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