Wednesday, December 20, 2006


A long time ago, when I was, I think, in my teens, I heard about a piece of legislation that people regarded as very important and quite wide-reaching, and recommended that everyone become aware of it. Well, I thought, sure, I'll do that. I wrote to my local Senator's office, asking how to get a copy of the legislation. They obliged, and sent it to me. It was just over an inch thick.

I read the cover, and the first couple of pages.

Now today I read a blog entry where the person said that Bush was essentially revoking civil liberties left, right, and sideways, including letting the US take over control of state National Guard units when deemed desirable -- for example, to send them to Iraq despite the fulminating of the governors who have to fund these organizations, not to mention, be voted for by them and their relatives. Gee, I thought, really? Well, let me look at the legislation the page mentions - the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007. I found a site that summarizes it, here.

Good golly. The summary is pages long. But yes, the legislation does seem to say exactly what this person says it does, quietly selling us right down the river.

Sometimes, apparently, the people crying wolf are right.

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