Sunday, December 17, 2006

Card, Please

This may be the year that we send no Christmas cards at all.

Usually, I'm a bit anal about this stuff, pushing to have a list ready by Thanksgiving, getting them all out by the second week of December, and sometimes sooner. I'm no less anal this year, but the difference is that other events, ranging from a three day trip to Connecticut right after Thanksgiving, to dual simultaneous system upgrades, one for her and one for me, that got us both up early today(though she was up much earlier, and more often, too) have kept us from doing things to Prepare For The Holidays. We made a special effort to get a Christmas tree, doing it two weeks before we normally do it, and now we're thinking Good Idea! because it was a bit of an effort just to go get it from where it's resided out behind the garage (along with the roping that I still haven't put up) and bring it in and set it up. Fortunately for me, my daughter really likes putting the lights on, so she took charge of that, while I was upstairs trying to recover from my change yesterday morning. All of which means that we've been shorter than normal on time to take care of things that we'd really like to do, like sending out cards.

So you don't get one from us, this year -- this may be why.


Anonymous said...

You sound /way/ more organized than I. Perhaps next year I will try to get cards out. By the time it even crosses my mind it is way too late.

Cerulean Bill said...

I think the trick is to aim for August, myself...