Monday, December 18, 2006


Anyone who reads these scribbles regularly undoubtedly knows that I'm quite proud of my daughter. She's not perfect, but she's close, and she's a source of great and unending delight to me. Yet a little bit ago, she puzzled me.

She had received a twenty dollar check from a generous aunt (one who routinely sends her five or ten dollars at most opportunties). We established a rule some time ago that any time she gets money, she keeps half, and half goes into her bank account. She knows that the half comes from us, because she sees us take it out of our wallets. What she doesn't know is that the entire amount of whatever she gets goes into her account; not just the remaining half. She's not flush, but to her, it'd probably be a pretty impressive amount.

This afternoon, we received her grades for this marking period. Impressive -- five As, one almost but not quite A. So, when she opened that card, and got the check, I was in a very good mood, and I told her that in recognition of her superlative work, and because it was the holiday season, she could keep the whole amount for herself. Eyes wide, she asked me if I was serious, and I said yes. She hugged me, then thought about it -- and refused. She said that spending money now when she didn't need it meant that she would not have money to spend later when she did need it -- and saving meant a greater likelihood of getting stuff she wanted. So, no thanks. I gave her the chance once again, about two hours later, and again she refused.

I'm impressed by her discipline, but also a little puzzled. Have we overdone it?


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm Impressed too!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed too! But she's right .. why spend it now when she knows she'll be getting things soon (6 sleeps away). Better to put it in the bank!

My kids aren't at that level yet. lol