Sunday, January 31, 2010


An article in today's New York Times Magazine could be summarized as Local Boy Goes Bad. Grows up Christian, popular, does well in school, taken under the wing of a Jewish woman teacher who helps him grow. Over time, questions everything, decides Islam is the way to go.... and now he's literally a Muslim terrorist in Somalia, cutting off the arms of those who contravene Muslim law, killing, blowing people up, the whole bit. And making YouTube videos with the same half-grin people remember from high school, sending Facebook posts to his sister, asking how their grandmother is doing.

What is it about fundamentalists? What drives people who adopt those ethics to go nuts, want to reshape the whole damn world to their view? It's like they're those people you see pictures of over the years who've done methamphetimines; first year they look normal, and five years later they're haggard, toothless, and foul. What is it? Are they deranged? Do they have some kind of brain malfunction that makes them feel they're on God's side and can do no wrong, that any action taken in what they see as their God's name is justifiable and right? Yeah, Islam, in this case, but any fundamentalist? Does intense belief drive you crazy, or it is the other way around?

Jeez. It's almost enough to make me think atheists have it right. Though, of course, whether they do or not doesn't matter here. We'd still have this scourge, either way. How can we combat this?

Sorry. Not my most coherent post.


Anonymous said...

I read the article earlier on myself, and could not help but think back to what I read earlier on today:

I think it's an important addition, especially to this kind of subject.


Cerulean Bill said...

Interesting little article, and its always good to have a reminder that not ALL the world's gone nuts. Thanks.

Tabor said...

I do think it is a brain chemical thing for some of them. They are angry and they focus on trying to get people to be like them. If we all converted they would find some new separation so that they could go on being angry.

Cerulean Bill said...

I hadn't thought about it, but you're likely right. They'd get homicidally tense not about whether you're of their faith, but about whether you're demonstrating it with sufficient zeal and fervor.