Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Free Speech

"Dems hate FREE SPEECH, and they DESPISE the Bill of Rights."Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech..." Why can't Dems understand that???"

I found that on a forum where I was looking for the text of the recent SCOTUS decision on corporate speech. I don't pretend to be a legal scholar, but after reading a couple of opinions about it from people who are, one of whom I thought reasonable, and one whom I thought was way too liberal, it occurred to me that a little understanding of the document itself would be worth having. Instead, what I came across was the comment cited above, which I found here. It astonished me.

If anything, I'd say that Democrats are quite fond of free speech, and the Bill of Rights, too. We're not particularly fond of the interpretation of some of those Rights -- for example, the Second -- but as a rule, we like them. So, to find that someone thinks that Democrats don't feel that way -- well, as I say, it astonishes me. Such people scare me. Even given that the internet encourages hasty opinions, and ALL CAPS OBSERVATIONS -- well, this seems beyond the pale to me.

Not that they don't make some good points, some of which make me uncomfortable. For example, one person says "I guess in BO's world the labor unions and PAC's that contributed hundreds of millions to his campaign aren't special interests.....Hypocrites." True enough -- well, the special interests part, anyway. Another, responding to a comment about activist judges, says "They are only activist judges if the conservatives don't like their decisions. I have to laugh that the typical right-wing kooks on here think that this is a good thing." That's true, too. Activism is good if it promotes what you like, bad if it doesn't. Yet to require judges to adhere solely to the letter of the law is to assume that the law clearly anticipates every human circumstance. A third comments on something another said - "
observer wrote:
I am really disappointed in your take on the Supreme Court ruling- can you never put aside politics this is bad for everyone we all know politicians have been bought for ages but they may as well put out a for sale to highest bidder on their backs now.
I am really saddened by this-I will not be alive to see the damage that will come from it but I hurt for my grandchildren .
Why? Because the labor unions will lose their strangle hold on the US?" And I think Do unions have a strangehold on us? I tend to think no, but then I think of the Service Employees International Union, which supported Obama, and remember how they affected the Nevada elections. Certainly, there, they did.... and I liked it. So, do they have that effect elsewhere? Maybe so. Maybe so.

I guess I need to keep looking for that text.


STAG said...

We have judges for a reason. That reason is "The Law is an Ass".

-----Mr. Bumble in Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist".

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, not always. Just when people are involved.

Unknown said...

For Sale: One Political System.

Need a special favor? Need an inconvenient law overturning? Need a few million in Federal funds to tide you over? Call your Representative today! No need to send money now! All you need to do is promise it to their opponent come Election Day!

Sale is subject to Supreme Court review.

genderist said...

Politics gag me.

Cerulean Bill said...

It gags a lot of people. I like to say that the better a politician is known, the more likely they're sleazy. I'm reluctant to extend that to Obama, but I am sure he had done things that I would gag at. His motivations are better than the oppositions, but likely not his methods.But you have to start somewhere.