Wednesday, November 21, 2007


The state of public disdain has sunken over the past few decades.

If someone doesn't care for the actions or style of another, that other becomes a 'mofo', or 'fleakin' jazzbuster and goat abuser' -- and thats only if the person chooses to take the time to think about the depth of their ire and irritation. Whatever happened to 'two bit thimblerigger', which used to be a relatively common phrase. Who even knows what a thimblerigger is, these days? Not to mention, two bits?

Compare that to this, from a Times Online (the British one) article regarding the loss of a CD with much personal information on it:

Idiots. Utter, unbelievable, jaw-dropping, unpardonable idiots. It is beyond farce, past comprehension, criminally irresponsible and beneath contempt.

Now, that's style.

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