Thursday, December 16, 2010


Things are named for people whom we should admire, and usually don't.

Highways are named for people of obscure achievement ( does anyone remember who Major Deegan was? I grew up thinking that a Deegan was just a way of naming a street, and that somewhere there was a Minor Deegan, Lesser Deegan, whatever.) Schools are named for politicians. Remember kids: Always say that you expect to be vindicated when all of the facts are known! Sports stadiums are named for corporations - gee, Ma, when I grow up, I want to play at GlobalTerminexFed Stadium and Used Car Lot!!!! Libraries are named for the person who donated the most money to it, which is why my town library has the name of a some local guy rather than the name of the community. Good luck finding them in the phone book.

But every so often.....

I learned yesterday that our French student's first school -- her lycée -- is named after Hyacinthe Friant. A man whom, among his other accomplishments, can count this: development of a new class of cheese.

Now that's classy.


STAG said...

Gotta admire a guy who can come up with a new kind of cheese in France! They have, what, two hundred?

What do we got? Lets see....

American Cheese
Monteray Jack
Yellow Mozzarella
Marble cheese
American Cheese

And of course,
American Cheese

There are a couple of good local cheddars I have found. And the Mennonites in upstate NY make something they call "cup cheese". (comes in the cup they cured it in) And once in a long while you can find "goat cheese". It does not resemble the European equivalent very much.

Cerulean Bill said...

I'm not sure if I'd be up for the classic 'stinky french cheese' but I would not mind trying something a little out of my comfort range -- which is to say, not 'Murrican, cheddar, regular mozz, or parmesan.