Saturday, December 18, 2010


I had to hide my bookmark for Facebook. I may have to delete it.

Reason is (not that anyone will care but me), I was getting -- and likely will get again -- manic over why don't I get responses when I post a response on the French kid's page? I know why. It's because I'm not French, I'm not a teen. But the reason doesn't matter. Objectively, I don't think such mania is a good thing. But I do it. I give in to it way too often. Then I go nutso. Should I even be STUDYING French? Should we even go at all??? Driving myself directly to crazyland, just because I want a person and her family to like me when they barely even know me. As my wife said, I want a warm, growing friendship, right now. Yeah. That's about right. And using the bookmark feeds that.

So I made it a little harder to do. It won't stop me. But maybe it'll slow me down just a bit.

Oh, and I changed the password to something that'll remind me, too.