Tomorrow we're having Verizon out to do the FiOS thing. A week ago, I had my credit card cancelled and a new one issued. I told Verizon, among others, about it. Today they informed me that my last credit card payment auto-pay had been declined. What timing!
Tomorrow's the long day -- up at about 4:45, to the polling place by 5:45 to post the signs outside, then sitting around until 8PM when we close up shop, taking about an hour to do all of the forms-writing, materials-securing, etc, then another half hour to drive the ballots and materials out to the elections office. I like doing this job when it's busy, but I despise it when it's slow -- in the primaries, we literally had stretches of two hours when nobody came in. I wish I could just tell workers to leave and come back when it's busy, but that's against the rules, doncha know.
I can't believe that Tivo doesn't let me delete channels from their 'live tv' -- ie, not recorded -- feed. My 24 year old tv can do that, but they can't? (Not talking 'blocking'; that, they can do. I just don't want to see certain channels at all.) On the other hand, as one thing I just read put it, live tv really isn't that good -- you need to tell Tivo to go find things for you to watch when you feel like it. After a while, the thought of watching live tv just to see whats there will seem.... odd. Have to admit, they have a point.
Looking forward to doing some work for that hospital. I think it'll be grunt work, but, you know? It's nice to be wanted.
I can't handle live tv anymore.
I'd rather (gasp) turn the tv off than watch it live...
Well, that seems to be their message. We'll see how it plays out.
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