Thursday, December 25, 2008


I am not a person who says 'I don't care for sweets'.

Mostly, thats because it's true; I really don't. A little, its because it sounds like the sort of thing you said with a pursed lip and a soupcon of sanctimoniousness. Don't get me wrong; I can be as judgemental and sanctimonious as the next guy, but I tend to reserve it for the important things, such as the worth of the upcoming Star Trek movie, whether Quantum of Solace was as good as the remake of Casino Royale, and what a good spaghetti sauce tastes like. Sweets - well, I'm not a big fan. Still, it is Christmas, so - okay.

My relatives brought:

a small fruitcake
chocolate lava cakes
chocolate sticks with raspberry filling
home made cannoli and cream
chocolate candies
home made Italian cookies

and one or two other things. For seven people, they brought enough for fifteen who were in the mood to gorge themselves. Faced with that array, it was pretty easy to say 'no, thanks'.

But I did have coffee. It was good. Sweet.


Anonymous said...

Who eats fruticakes??? Really, I've never seen a person eat one. Never. Ever.

Cerulean Bill said...

I think that a light fruitcake can be good. This one was very, very light. Didn't have any, though. The sight of all that chocolate kind of sated me.