Wednesday, December 17, 2008


My daughter had her first Snow Delay day. She was pleased, though not as pleased as she would have been if she had the day off. I didn't remind her that she once said she preferred delays to cancellations because on a delay day, they had all classes, just compressed, but on a cancellation, the days just got shifted forward -- and if that happened enough, they'd pick up extra school days at the end of the year.

Went to see the oral surgeon again today. He's still looking a bit grim. I think he's nervous that the two replacement implants he did two weeks ago aren't going to take. If that happens, it's essentially game over for The Plan. I don't know what the replacement plan would be, but I'm sure I won't like it very much. On the other hand, he also said that he wants to put another replacement in, some time around March, and let that one age, too. I'm going to be thinking about this next Christmas, I think.

I did read a really interesting article in Conde Nast Portfolio, by the fellow who wrote Liars Poker, about this financial mess, though. It was pretty easy to read -- I didn't feel my eyes starting to cross till almost two thirds of the way through it. The key concept was: if the people doing something can't clearly explain what they're doing, there's a decent chance they don't really understand it. Granted, there's a lot of expert knowledge needed to make that explanation, but it comes down to the ability to clearly understand and communicate. I think that's universally true. We put up with people -- oh, he must know what he's doing-- because of what they can do for us, and we usually don't get burned. But sometimes.... sometimes, they're just snowing us.


genderist said...

I miss snow days. :(

STAG said...

There may be hope for your teeth yet.

Cerulean Bill said...

Me, too, G. Whenever she has one, I'm obscurely gratified. I wish you could have some, too.

And, S? I hope you're right. My confidence in all of this working has dropped from about 90% to about 60%. But....we'll see.