Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sweet Caroline

I find it hard to believe that people are seriously contemplating Caroline Kennedy for interim senator from New York. Have they learned nothing about the idea of competence, insight, vision, performance? A little bit of a track record in elected office, perhaps?

Or are they stuck on But she's a KENNEDY!!!!!


Unknown said...

Isn't being in politics genetic? I always see families getting into it like the Bush...oh I take it back.

Cerulean Bill said...

Used to be (perhaps I'm wrong, but this is what I thought) that there were families who were, if not dedicated to public service, at least comfortable and familiar with it. Many of these families went to Ivy League schools, and all of them were bright, and better than that: they were intelligent; ie, they were thoughtful, insightful, careful, circumspect. In time, those leavening qualities disappeared, to be replaced by a certain arrogance of position. They thought that they had a right to the public office, because, waaaal, ouah famlee's ALWAYS been in public sirviss, yaaas. Or worse: it'd be a lark, doncha think? And would look well on my resume.

I don't know if Caroline Kennedy is of that type, but I suspect thats the case. I hope that I am wrong.

Unknown said...

Sadly all the things you said are very true. Even sadder is that America just lets it happen.

Cerulean Bill said...

Three words, Shannon.

Yes. We. Can.

Unknown said...

As some comedian said: the competition is between Caroline Kennedy and, erm, er, is there anyone else?

That's the basic problem! There isn't anyone else. Not even Andrew Cuomo. The Republican and Democratic machines have been largely dismantled, and so they can't contribute anything to the debate.

The other problem is that Patterson isn't the type to know that many people. Spitzer would probably have nominated himself, but Patterson is (probably) a bit leery of appointing the likes of Cuomo. Pataki isn't too popular these days, and the rest of the available pool seem to be tainted by something or other.

I'm not thrilled - if I were still a NY resident, I'd be quite concerned. But with no one else in the offing, it's basically Caroline Kennedy or, oh, perhaps wotsiname?

Ain't politics incestuous, er, I mean Grand? :-)

Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

I don't know much about Cuomo, but the son of a known politician is a concept that scares me. As for the effectiveness of appointing her, I heard one Republican say that the senator ought to be effective 'day one'. What IS it with these people and the demand for immediate effectiveness? I don't understand professional politicians, I really don't.