Thursday, October 16, 2008


We got the mower back. I'm more than a little surprised --the starter system's been changed, which we were told to expect, and the nameplate now says the newer mower -- the one that, had we bought a new one, we would have gotten. I haven't lifted it to see if there is any grass clipping stains underneath, but if you told me this was a new mower, I'd believe you. Odd.

I tend to think that Republicans and Democrats (real people, not politicians) don't demonize each other. However, I now think that I might be naive in that assumption. Guess I ought not to be surprised. Speaking of which, I'm surprised at the number of people weighing in on Joe The Plumber, some with information that alters the image a bit. No, I'm not going to link to it. I don't need to fan the firestorm. I'm just - surprised.

A local town tore down a Sunoco A+ convenience store/gas station. In its place, they will build: a Sunoco A+ convenience store/gas station. Um.

Tonight we go to a seminar on funding college. Should be interesting, given the current fiscal climate.

I get nervous when the forces of law and order get to play Army with this kind of thing. I don't trust them to use it wisely.
Found here, with this caption: The vehicle will be used by the SWAT unit to aid in the rescue and evacuation of people in dangerous situations.