Sunday, October 19, 2008


I have no idea how the pizza itself will turn out, but the dough itself is delightful. I chilled it overnight, and this afternoon rolled it out to a six-inch disk, let it rise a bit, and just did my version of the 'rotate it on your knuckles'. I wanted a thin dough? This stuff came so thin, I can actually see through it. Awesome.

I don't recall where I found the original reference to the recipe (its actually from Peter Reinhart), but here is a blog that refers to it, too.
Update: The dough turned out well -- read-throughable is apparentlyh a little too thin, but its in the ballpark, and the crust was excellent. I'll be baking one of the two remaining, unfrozen balls of dough tomorrow, and we'll see about making it not quite so thin. The anal-retentive part of me wants to measure the thickness of the dough in the center, but I think that'd be a bit much. Maybe.

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