Friday, October 10, 2008


I watched a bit of the Larry King show tonight. He had four people on - two talk radio hosts, one Democratic strategist, and one conservative magazine staffer. It grew to be funny -- you knew who was going to like something vs who was going to argue against it. Two of the four were purely argumentative -- one reminded me of Rush Limbaugh, and the other never heard a conservative viewpoint he didn't like. One referred to 'a few nuts in the crowd' at a Palin rally; a woman on a different, liberal show said she was there, same crowd, and just about everybody was 'a wingnut'. You begin to wonder who's at the same rally.

One thing seems clear to me. When the nominee has to stand in front of these people and they moan and boo when he tells them to be respectful of the opponent -- that nominee and his running mate -- mostly, his running mate -- are playing with fire. Not rhetoric. Fire.

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