Wednesday, August 23, 2006

New York Images

Shelter Island:

Raphael Winery

Pindar Winery

The Clan


Rach said...

I thought for sure I posted a comment on these photos, but apparently it didn't show up.

These are some great photos. The wineries looke very inviting.

I take it that last one is a family photo from your gathering?

Cerulean Bill said...

The Usual Gang of Idiots, as Mad Magazine used to put it, yes. It was pretty nice to see them. I'm on the right, my daughter is next to me, and my mother is up front.

Rach said...

I picked you and your daughter out, but where's your wife, pray tell? Don't tell me she got stuck behind the camera .. although I guess someone has to take the pictures.

Cerulean Bill said...

Yup, gizzactly right -- she was one of the two people taking pictures. She orchestrated it, so she got to be the image-maker....