Friday, August 25, 2006


Here's an example of the kind of programming that I'd like to do, and which I think I actually have the ability to do. Following through is the problem.

The local supermarket rearranged things in the store. They produced very broad statements of where things were moved to (though sometimes they moved more than once, in a massive game of checkers), and supplied printed sheets. Okay, fine. We have a spreadsheet showing what we buy, and where it is. This lets us go through the store pretty quickly. Our sheet is much more detailed than was theirs, but okay.

What would have been helpful would be an application on the store's web site (actually, the parent company), where you give it a product name or type, and it tells you where it is. What would be even better would be the ability to have the app download the items and locations to your PC. Instant shopping list.

How hard would that be?


Rach said...

How awsome would it be to have a map leading you to each item on your shopping list. Man, that may even be better then online shopping. Which I haven't driven myself to yet, but have wanted to cuz I so hate grocery shopping.

Cerulean Bill said...

The map part is easy. Assuming your store is set up in a grid, just note where the things you buy are (coffee, Aisle 2, Bacon, Aisle 9, Milk, Back Aisle), transfer the grid to a spreadsheet or similar (like a Microsoft Word Table), and you're done. When we created our spreadsheet, we kept the shopping lists for about 6 weeks, noting the aisles as we got the stuff. Then we transferred it to the spreadsheet.

The slick but too expensive for us system would be an interface in the kitchen where we could type in what we need, and then when we are ready to go have it print out the shopping list by aisle. The major hangup is that the PC would have to be on all the time (who wants to wait just to note that you need milk?) and how good an idea is that?

I've occasionally thought of tracking how often we get certain foods (its been three weeks, maybe that bread is due to be replaced), but thats a bit too anal-retentive for me.

Rach said...

Actually, I think you're on to something here.

I would LOVE to have a list of foods listed by the aisles they're in so I wouldn't forget something and have to backtrack. I do think that keeping track of things you need by way of good old paper and pen until you boot up the computer would work. Although I keep mine running all the time, so that's not an issue for me. I'll let ya know if I get anywhere with your fab idea. I do like what I'm trying to imagine as the end result. Hopefully a quick shop. (mine last two hours! ack!)

Cerulean Bill said...

Send an email address to and I'll send you a copy of the spreadsheet we use, just so you can get a better idea of what this is all about...