Friday, August 04, 2006

Got Grass?

Our grass is not particularly lush. I don't know what the buzzwords are that landscaper folks like to use, but when you walk across it, its probably a good idea to have shoes on. Except in one spot. A couple of years ago, we had a mini tornado come through the area. Itcompletely uprooted a fairly tall evergreen we had in back -- a blue spruce, as it happens leaving a roughly circular and fairly barren spot. My wife got some grass seed and put it down there. When you walk across that stuff, your toes want to curl up and hang onto it. I have no idea what kind of grass it is, but that's what I want in most of our backyard. Realistically, we probably won't do that. It would be way expensive to have all of that grass taken out and had a new plantings put down. I like the grass, but I don't like it that much. So we're probably going to do is picked a relatively small area say about 10 by 20 ft. and do it there.

Oh, and have somebody come out to spray for weeds. Man, there's a lot of them.

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