Saturday, August 20, 2011


I winced a couple of times this morning, listening to the NPR article about Rick Perry.

Initially, I winced listening to a Texas accent saying how the whole damn country ought to be like Texas. The memory of a voice with that accent running my country made me want to go make sure my passport is up to date. No kidding.

Then I winced listening to why he said Texas was so great. And then to part of his brain trust echoing the we're just so damn wonderful mantra. They're not. As the article said, they do some things really well. And some, really poorly. The first are the things that wealthy conservatives like; the second, the things that liberals like. No surprise there.

But then I winced at how obviously the reporter was slanting the article. Did he have to mention that most historians think Texas's period as an independent nation was disasterous? Is that even true? And, if so, is it in any way relevant to this article?

Liberals. Giving even schmucks the benefit of the doubt.


STAG said...

Just watched Perry's rant about global warming, and his belief that there is none.

I know, its complicated. And we had better HOPE LIKE HELL that is is caused by human activity that we have some hope to control because if it is just a natural cycle, then we are toast.
But still...a thousand scientists who say "well, it is a collection of several things, and we don't know how much of it is motor cars" do NOT constitute an equal number of GW deniers, and for gosh sakes, they don't make for an equal number of right wing Republicans!
Gawd! How can you STAND the politics? The whole world is laughing at Perry and Trump, and

"rest of rant has collapsed into inarticulate lockjawed frustration".

STAG said...

STAG said...

You know, I didn't even take the trouble to find out if Rick Perry actually IS a Republican! Its just a gut feeling. Maybe he is just a political hack, blowing where the wind blows.

Cerulean Bill said...

Yes, he is. And yes, he is.

Anonymous said...

I think Rick Perry is quite flexible in his politics. I don't care for right wingers and I don't like extreme liberals and I don't know what he is, but he could become the next President.

Cerulean Bill said...

I have nothing against Texas, but against airheads from Texas with simplistic minds and rigid conservative goals, I sure do. The thought of that guy anywhere close to the White House gives me the chills. I can see the bumper stickers:
Perry: Give Bush That Third Term! or
Perry: Because Bush Was So Great, Right?
Perry: Shoot First, Ask...No, Just Shoot First.

I don't like extreme liberals, either.

Anonymous said...

The Bushes don't like Perry. They'll be fighting him tooth and nail. Carl Rove has already started. They won't endorse him.

Cerulean Bill said...

I don't think that the enemy of my enemy is necessarily my friend...but you've guaranteed that I will at least listen to him. Give him a chance.