Friday, September 04, 2009


This is a very, very powerful video about texting and what can happen. So powerful, I'm not going to directly link to it here. So bloody, you have to promise YouTube you're old enough to watch it. It scared the hell out of me.

And I pointed my daughter, with warnings, to it.


Unknown said...

I don't recall seeing anything quite so horrendous.

Thank you, Bill

Carolyn Ann

Cerulean Bill said...

It's making the rounds. One of the Sunday comics was two people in a car. The passenger says, did you see that video about the girls texting while driving, and the driver replies I'm watching it now.

The video scared the hell out of me. I couldn't watch the whole thing. Neither could my daughter. My wife did, and told me some of it. Glad not to have seen it.