Thursday, September 10, 2009


There are times that I just don't get politics. When the party which hasn't been in power in eight years gets into power on the wave of revulsion for the prior occupant and the prior occupant's policies, and then almost immediately starts to throw away that advantage by squabbling within itself, giving aid and comfort to the rejected party, I just don't get that. I know that the President can apply enormous pressures to force recalcitrant legislators in line, and I know that both Obama and Emmanuel are from Chicago, known for rough politics, which means they know how to apply such pressure. Given that, I don't understand how the Democrat party can be fragmenting as it does. I like very much that Democrats tend to like to think for themselves, and seek change, just as Republicans don't, and don't, but when the price you pay for that independence of thought is the inability for the party in power to exercise that power -- well, you know, it almost makes me wish for the attitudes of Cheney and Bush, to wit: we're in power, we're in charge, and the hell with the other party, this is how it's going to be.

I just don't get it.

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