Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Driver!

Lot of driving today -- two hours each way up to Bloomsburg University to see my daughter's cousin. It's her first year there, and my daughter wanted to see her, so, sure. Typical college town, with a lot of cops, both town and college, a fair number of restaurants and bars, and a fairly major hospital right next to the college. Starbucks directly connected to the college library. No commercial bookstores that I could see, though. Pretty girls studying on the quad lawn -- though, since they would occasionally pivot when guys walked past, I'm not sure what they were studying. Clearly, not me!

My wife said her college qualified as a good place to go -- close enough so that her parents could get there easily if they needed to; far enough away so that they wouldn't just drop in. This qualified, too. The cousin's dorm room was pretty nice- with two bunks, a small amount of storage, lots of power outlets, a WiFi signal as well as Ethernet connections, and pretty quiet -- at least on the weekend; the school's what they call a 'suitcase school', a lot of kids have family close enough to go home for the weekend, so they do.

I imagine we'll be doing this once or twice more, as time passes. I told my daughter she'd effectively just gone on her first college trip, but she wasn't too moved by that observation.

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