Friday, June 05, 2009


We've been thinking about replacing our twenty-five year old refrigerator. Well, okay, one of us has been thinking about it, and the other has been saying Yeah, okay, if you want to.

We just spent a little time at the Best Buy web site, looking at what was available. My wife likes the idea of larger-capacity ones. How does it get that capacity, I wondered, and she said that it was because they now can use much thinner sidewalls.

Well, yeah.

But mostly, it's because the newer ones are from two to six inches taller than our current one. That would be the one with a cabinet above it.

If we get a new one, that cabinet will have to come down.

Oh, hell.
Update: Well, it looks like things are not quite as grim as we thought. Apparently, it's the side by side, or the French door, styles that have had Refrigerator Growth Hormone added to their diet. The ones such as we have now, with a freezer atop, can easily be had in this height. I would have liked the other style, but we've gotten used to ducking down to see the back -- and we really would not have liked having to replace that cabinet!


STAG said...

Oh well, you would only be using that cabinet for dis-used vases, and wedding presents you have yet to put into service.....

Cerulean Bill said...

Um, nope -- its got aluminum foil, waxed paper, jugs, crockpots, and, for all I know, a family of mice....