Saturday, May 09, 2009

Prom Night

Tonight, we went to a concert where some friends of ours perform -- a chorale/orchestra arrangement. It wasn't all to my taste -- for one, they didn't do the theme from Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, or any of that, and they didn't take requests, either -- but much of it was quite good. On the way back to parking, we encountered a number of teens who were highly dressed up -- tonight is Prom Night, and kids are everywhere, dressed up and lookin' good. One girl, though, seemed to be groaning as she walked. I thought she'd eaten too much -- I heard her mutter something about wanting to unzipper the dress -- but my wife heard more, to wit: This dress fit last week, the baby must have had a growth spurt. Oh - kay!

My daughter says she never wants to have a boyfriend, because she's had to console a friend of hers three times through boyfriend breakups. I think: this isn't really a BAD thing.....

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