Thursday, May 14, 2009

Guns and Torture

I see where the guns-righters are getting more votes than the people who are opposed to that. (I did not say 'the people who are pro-life, or anti-victim....though I did think it!) I am not happy about this, because I differentiate between the right of people to have weapons (yes, even concealed ones, which I don't like) and their right to have heavy-duty assault weapons, which I think totally indefensible. Guns-righters, though, apparently think 'all or nothing', and lately its been more all than nothing. I'm hoping that this will swing back -- not all the way, just half way -- but to be honest, I can't see what would make that happen. Slaughter of the innocents doesn't appear to stir very many people, these days.

On the torture photos -- gee, I don't know. I can't see where releasing those would contribute anything to the discussion, but I cringe a bit at the thought that my side saying that is more than a little close to that side saying there are national security issues that they just can't tell us, so we should just trust them. What's needed, perhaps, is a trusted intermediary who can look at these things and render an impartial conclusion -- yes, these should be released; no, they should not. I won't hold my breath.


STAG said...

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And it is hard to have more power than a military policeman in charge of a prison.

The Roman poet Juvenal asked "who will watch the watchers?" Have we learned nothing in the last two thousand fleepin years?

STAG said...

And of course, one wonders at the motives on one who belives that the true ultimate power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Cerulean Bill said...

No obvious solutions. Well, no obvious solutions that are likely to get implemented.

As for the latter: worked for Mao, didn't it? True ultimate power is one thing; we live in the day-by-day.