Thursday, July 03, 2008

Phone Home

I was thinking about phones. How long till the slick, cute flip phones are so passe? At that point, what follows? I'm thinking something thing that incorporates the phone, the way that phones incorporate cameras now. And who knows, can implantable phones be far behind?


Lone Chatelaine said...

well there's already the phone/camera/video/mp3 player/web browser/scheduler. I'd say they'd do real well to make one that powers your car instead of using gasoline. You know, hop in, plug the cell phone into the dash and let the car run off the cell phone's juice :)

yep, I'd totally buy that one.

Cerulean Bill said...

L, you know I'd do anything for you that didn't take actual effort, didn't contravene my marriage vows, and wasn't fattening....but I think that creating one of those is beyond me. I'll keep it in mind, though.