Friday, July 25, 2008

Barack's Birthday

As a device to foster local support, and to encourage the merger of Clan Obama and Team Hillary, a person in my area is going to hold a 'Barack's Birthday' celebration, with picnic fair and, of course, birthday cake. (Perhaps I'll bake one -- you can never have too much cake, you know.) It got me to thinking -- gee, what if, once he's elected, he proposed that the birthday of the reigning president be a federal holiday, with cake and such available at all federal offices. Wouldn't that be cool? And then I thought a) like we need another federal holiday, and b) if Bush suggested it, what would I think of the move?

Still would be fun, though.


Lone Chatelaine said...

I don't want to celebrate the president's birthday, but I'd be all for making everyone's individual birthday a federal holiday just for them. Give everyone their own special day off work without having to burn a vacation day :)

And yes, there must be cake.

Cerulean Bill said...

I agree. I always thought that if someone wanted their birthday off, they should get it. Usually, the powers that be didn't agree.