Amazing. Apparently, McCain's given up already. Either that, or he's desperately trying to distract people from his lack of substance and ideas to get us out of this mess. Instead his new ad calls Obama a celebrity, and moans that the media loves Obama too much. Instead of engaging in a debate of ideas, or offering proposals of his own, or just paying attention to issues-- he chooses to snipe and engage in personality-based attack ads. Can the Swift Boaters be far behind?
McCain. He really is Bush III.
Update: I guess I'm too naive. I just got through reading a web page saying that McCain is going negative, which will have a bad effect on how people that he needs will view him -- that he needs to project that he is a man of integrity, one who has plans. And just about all of the comments essentially said 'Obama is too coddled, poor baby' and 'the hell with McCain, he is too old and stupid'. Also, 'why didn't he go see the soldiers, he obviously doesn't care'. Holy hell. If this is the level of political discourse even now --even now -- then I really do expect too much. When anything a candidate does can be spun -- if Obama did go to the hospital , there would have been claims that he is politicizing our soldiers; not going, there are claims that he doesn't care -- then we are really screwed. We don't want intelligence. We don't want thoughtful analysis. We don't want a rational approach. We want a show. We want bread and circuses.
I was starting to think that I've given enough money to Obama's campaign. Obviously not.
The Republicans can be so boring sometimes.
Boring's not bad. Lack of character, lack of recognition of the connection between current problems and current policies, spending time on bushwah instead of substance -- that's bad.
What I have to keep reminding myself is that there are normal people who like him. And if he's not screaming at you, not throwing a fit, I guess he can be pretty likeable. So was Bush, as I recall. Lots of people voted for him based on that.
I want to believe that we're collectively smarter than that, this time around. But every time I see stupidity like this, and hear that tag line -- "I'm John McCain, and I approved this ad" -- I fear for our country.
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