Saturday, July 19, 2008

I Didn't Say This

I came across Nice Critic today, which says that you can select general statements that you'd like to tell someone without them knowing who said it, and the site will email them anonymously. Most are what you'd expect -- please keep your voice down, you might want to get a new muffler for your car, that lawn could use some attention, please refill the coffee pot if you take the last cup -- but two got my attention:

You don't release your hugs in a timely manner.

You squeeze too hard when you hug.

This is a problem?


Lone Chatelaine said...

That's a great link! I definitely could send that to a few associates of mine at work.

The only way hugs last too long is when it's someone at work that really shouldn't be hugging anyway.

Tabor said...

Timely manner for hugs. Now that gives one pause for thought.

Cerulean Bill said...

I remember when I was in grad school and took the opportunity at a New Years Eve party to kiss the secretary -- I got the distinct impression that she totally didn't appreciate it, but couldn't just refuse. I would imagine the same could be true for a hug. The ones you WANT to have do it, never do.