Thursday, July 17, 2008


I was reading a blog the other day wherein a woman mentioned that she was sorry for having wasted her youth. Apparently, she was quite pretty then, and took it for granted; now, she isn't at that stellar level. From the blog, she's clearly an intelligent and interesting person, and she wasn't saying that she should be pitied. She was just stating the way things were.

It made me think a little about my life, and whether there was anything that I was sorry for. Certainly, there were things that I could have done differently, and better -- my performance in high school; my experience in the military -- yet I can't honestly say that I'd change anything. My performance in high school led me to go into the military the first time; that led me to being willing to go back in after college; the people I met in the military the second time led me to apply for a job at EDS, which is where I met my wife, who still, almost thirty years later, delights me. Any change in any of those first things would possibly affect the last one, and though I suppose I might have met someone who was prettier, or richer, or (fill in the desirable quality)-ier, I can't believe that, because she is so right for me. And, of course, without her, specifically, I wouldn't have had this daughter, who is also delightful, for all that she's a typical teen.

I have occasionally wondered what its like to be one of the pretty/handsome well-regarded people, and certainly I'd have liked to be one, but you know? My life's been pretty good.


Lone Chatelaine said...

You're a very smart man, Bill. Wish there were more like you.

Cerulean Bill said...

Thats very kind of you, L. But I think maybe its time for you to go with these very nice men into the Quiet Room for a while... you're clearly experiencing delusional behavior. Heck, I can't even get BREAD to rise reliably (which is why tomorrow I'm Doing A Test).

STAG said...

A friend of mine once told me he couldn't stand dating, or even hanging around with young know....the ones who are not quite teen agers but are under 24. Since he was one of those himself at the time (MUCH younger than me...grin!) I asked him why. His answer was "Its all about THEM, and they don't know it but they won't be young and beautiful forever."

I laughed, and said I had noticed much the same phenomon myself...only I called them "the stupid years". That is the period of time when you are stupid to drive, stupid to get laid, stupid to get married and have kids, and stupid enough to join the military/political party/cause.

An old German guy I knew once put it best....You don't grow up until you hit 24. So enjoy your time.

Cerulean Bill said...

Hmmm... I spent those years in the military and then in college. I'm sure I was dumb, but mostly I just remember being clueless about a lot of things. Now, of course, I know it all.... what was the question again?