Saturday, July 05, 2008

Awd Thought

I mentioned being startled to receive a comment that started with 'Fuck you', then went on to make some decent points. How should one make the emphatic point that the person to whom you're writing is an idiot, and here's why? I suppose you could just say that, but is there a non-obscene way of seizing the reader's collar that has the same impact as the obscenity?

Course not, Bill....thats why people USE them.


Lone Chatelaine said...

That person didn't want logical conversation. Didn't even want a conversation. Just wanted their thoughts to be the ONLY thoughts. I think they felt as if they were the expert and no one else should even comment. Thus the ignorant attempt at intimidation instead of saying something intelligent.

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, I admit thats what I first thought. Then I went back and reread what he wrote, excluding the explosive beginning, and it really wasn't all that incendiary. It was even lucid and plausible, mostly.

I agree with what you said elsewhere though; I touched a nerve.