Saturday, February 03, 2007


I added a site meter to the sidebar (it doesn't have an icon, for some reason; need to look into that) because I was curious about how many people see this site. I'm always delighted when someone new shows up and comments (and better yet, hangs around), but just as I bomb through fifty or so sites in a row (thanks to StumbleUpon), I know lots of people glance at sites and then move on.

I was surprised to see that seven people have looked at this site just today! Thats nothing, of course, compared to others, particularly food blogs (which seem to get thousands of hits) or politics (ditto), but I'm kind of tickled by it. So, for anyone who's just stopping by -- thanks !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Traffic, huh? Looks more like a pedestrian byway in a very small town....