Monday, February 12, 2007


I continue to be amazed by how people get to this site. I suppose I ought not to be -- hel-low! World WIDE Web???--- but that someone in South Africa, or Sweden, or Iran (Iran!) has seen my site startles me. I look at occasion on the referring URL that brought them here -- that picture I had of the four Muslim women in full black chadors seems quite popular -- and sometimes it's just a straight link; other times, its a search for something that I'd swear wasn't even on this site. I've yet to get any of the truly amazing ones -- like the people who say that searches for 'wet dump truck sex' bring up their site -- but this is amazing enough. I'm fascinated.


Sweeti said...

It amazes me too, and you'll just have to guess what "google searches lead to my site because I'm too much of a lady to discuss them.
It's enough to make you want to change you name, That coupled with the fact that some men don't want to add me to the sidebar because it feels weird calling another woman "Sweeti"-No seriously, I've had them tell me that. They felt better after they realized it was because I cook instead of swing.
The countries are fastenating to me, and some I've never heard of.

Cerulean Bill said...

It does make me wonder if some of them aren't actually people but simply the sites for programmatic web scans, looking for PCs to take over.

Narie said...

My husband and I are both online gamers, it's how we met actually, and for 5 years we and a few others here in the US have been playing with a group of people from Finland.
We know of each other's lives, pictures of kids get passed around, everyone's ups and downs in life, we've all shared it all. Some of the Finns come here to visit and some of the US people have gone there. Two very long-distance relationships have flourished and one from our side is moving to Helsinki next month for them to marry.
It's pretty second nature now, but sometimes I realize how crazy it is, Finland! The web is an interesting place indeed.

Cerulean Bill said...

My golly -- what game is that?

Narie said...

The one we all started and met on is called Everquest.

It's a three-dimensional online world set in a fantasy setting. Think Tolkien or Dungeons and Dragons as the basis. They are called MMORPG's (Massive Multi-Player Roleplaying Game's, although the majority of the population don't roleplay), and you traverse through this world with thousands of other people, you band together to do quests, slay dragons, etc. There is an in-game economy and you trade your wares with other players to upgrade your character. Some people play only to take up a craft, making armor to sell, becoming carpenter's to build houses, becoming bakers to make food, etc.

Here's a link to a video of one of the games we play. It's from the viewpoint of a character you create. Everything in it you can travel through, the boats you can ride on, the water you can swim in. The interesting stuff starts right at about the 40 second mark on the video. Any characters you see are other people playing the game as well. In the game it's not blurry though. My I'm chatty Cathy this week!

Cerulean Bill said...

Interesting. I've heard of games like that. Never played one, though -- the classic newbie! I see a whole mess of sites related to that one -- it must be pretty popular. Thanks for the info.