Sunday, February 11, 2007


I've mentioned on occasion that I am impressed by organizations that help people succeed who (forgive me) have no reason to expect to succeed. I am not talking about people who, against all odds, get that Stanford MBA or the gold Olympic medal, but success at what society would call a more modest level -- like, not having to live paycheck to paycheck, figuring which bill can be delayed, which must be paid. I suspect that there are a goodly number of people in that position, where it wouldn't take much to drop them down a notch -- maybe not into abject poverty, but not all that far away, either. Organizations and people who can make the difference -- increase the buffer between the person and that line of despair -- impress the hell out of me. For example, Frances Crespo, written up in this Washington Post article. One of the things that this woman does is participate in an organization called Ladies Who Launch (what a terrific pun). This, from their web site, explains their mission:

Ladies Who Launch provides content and community to help women start and expand their businesses and creative ventures. Through their events, e-mail newsletter, website and in-person Incubator programs Ladies Who Launch provides a venue for motivated women to exchange products and services, ideas, and strategic relationships.

I really like that idea. It combines several concepts that fascinate me -- success, local involvement, creativity, and helping women succeed. Now, I have to point out that the women who are the target of this organization are likely further up the socioeconomic ladder than the ones I referred to above. They may or may not already be successful, or at least solidly middle class. But what this organization does for them, I think, can be done for more people. And should be.

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