Monday, August 30, 2010

Stray Thoughts

I saw a comment in a blog this evening to the effect that Obama shouldn't be counted out; that he is a learner. I am not planning on counting him out, but I do wish he'd do something about these Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin manic acolytes. I know, I was one of the people urging him to fight back during the campaign, and he insisted on taking the high road (at least, so far as I can see), and it worked. We didn't get the President we deserve (which is to say, a hack); we got a great one. He has good instincts. But when I see riffraff like that having a public gathering at the Lincoln Memorial.... I think it's just not right.

Why does it bother me that our summer guest has changed her Facebook status to in a relationship? Is it because I don't want her to change from the person we knew so briefly? Yeah. Probably. A little is that I think she's too young (even though there are kids here who are like that at that age, and apparently it's pretty common there). I do think she could get hurt, and though I have no responsibility for her, I worry a little bit about that. But mostly it's just that I don't want her to change.

My wife says that I am now in the habit of going to the gym, because I've gone every day for a week. I told her that if I missed one day, just one day, I'd be more likely to miss two, maybe three.... and if I missed two, then it'd likely be a week. I know me. And I really don't like going. Okay, its not terrible. I do twenty minutes on the elliptical, and twenty on the treadmill; when I'm done, I'm slightly out of breath. Or I do one of them, and the weights. I don't push myself. And maybe thats part of it: the lurking feeling that I should.

I really want to do some French studying. I feel better when I've learned a little more....even when it hits me just how big a challenge this is, to go from not knowing it at all, to basic fluency, in ten months, by myself.