Thursday, August 05, 2010

Dr. What

So, outside of having the keys to the Tardis, and getting to hang around with some truly remarkable women, what makes a Time Lord so special?

I haven't watched all that much, but only once have I seen the Doctor do something personally remarkable -- tossing one person into a black hole, binding another with chains forged in a neutron star, locking a third into stasis. All very snappy. And once he whipped up an omelet that was truly amazing - learned how in eighteenth century France. Or perhaps earlier. And he played a mean game of football; quite wonderful. Other than those-- he shows up, a dire eventuality occurs, he whips out the sonic screwdriver, occasionally makes snappy remarks, gets some degree of angry/whimsical/impatient, and, then, essentially things happen around him.

According to The Beeb:The Doctor, in his eleventh incarnation, is an excited explorer of the universe, with a keen intelligence that means he often notices what everyone else has missed. He can turn in a moment from being interested in the largest of things to being fascinated by the tiniest of things. But his excitement sometimes results in him tripping over himself and walking into things. He enjoys anything that's different and interesting, and as always he has a powerful sense of right and wrong and a determination to do what's right. He gets on well with children. He prefers to call Amy 'Pond'. His dress sense might be a bit... odd. But he knows that bowties are cool.

Okay, fine. He's bright, he likes bow-ties, and he's seen a lot. But what does he actually do? What keen insights does he show, what amazing suprahuman capabilities does he manifest? Does he motivate, discover solutions, direct? What?

What's so all-fired great about having a Time Lord around? Could any bright person do it?

I do love the current and immediately preceding Doctors, you understand. Wouldn't give them up. Though I like Tennant best, the current fellow, Matt Smith, is dandy, too. Love them both. I'm just... curious.

What makes a Time Lord special?

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