Sunday, August 15, 2010

Both Ta and Da

This is a special day. Today, our daughter went out on a date.

It was a quiet one, being dropped off at the bowling alley, as was her date by his parent. He's a) a straight A student (bright enough to compress his ninth and tenth years in school into one), b) an Eagle Scout, and c) an American-style karate black belt (which is where they met).

His mother, his father told us, was absolutely petrified at the thought of her son going on a date. So were we, we assured him. But it's just bowling. They're just friends. And he gave us a thought. They told their son that he can't learn to drive until he's a senior. School work must be his focus. Our daughter is hot to get her drivers license. Oh, yeah? Any grades lower than a B in one marking period, you're not driving for the entire next marking period. That should help focus, I should think.

Still.... first date. Hmmm.....

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