Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow Big Deal

As forecast: about a foot two hours east of here, and about three inches outside. No big deal. School won't be delayed, and neither will the birthday party. Not that its actually a party, per se; they will have cake and such, but then they're going ice skating. I guess we missed a bet there; if we had just laid down some water out in the street, they could have skated there. As could all of the cars that enter our little cul-de-sac.

The only bummer, really, was that I got called at 6AM for a problem, and the snow kept me from getting the papers. On the bright side, they together provided plausible reason not to go to church with the offspring this morning. I used the time profitably, though, downloading the OpenOffice suite of products from here. A good stand in for MS Office, and, since its free, the suite is sweet.

Oh, and the bread from yesterday turned out fairly good -- better than normal, actually, though not as mind-blindingly good as I'd hoped. Good enough that we used it for French Toast this morning.


Tabor said...

I find the bread comment a little amusing as my mother always made French toast with 'stale' bread only.

Cerulean Bill said...

You know, the recipes I've seen say that, too. (No, not the part about your mother.) I've wondered why. Could be that the stale bread has more structure, less likely to fall apart in the egg/milk glop. It'd be funny if the way the bread was supposed to come out -- ie, light, full of holes in the crumb -- was not as good for French toast as the denser kind I bake!