Friday, February 03, 2006


A news article on the Google site says that US intelligence officials believe that the possibility of a terroristic attack is greater than it has been despite successes against Al-Quaeda. I believe that statement , but not because of its source.

Why not the source? Because it's exactly the sort of thing that you'd say if you wanted to promote the idea that domestic spying is necessary while still pushing the idea that the war on terror is succeeding. And that's George's message. We're doing great, despite the body count, despite the lack of proof, despite everything. Doing great, just hang on, democracy triumphant.

Then why believe the message? Because it makes sense. These despicable people have not just gone away. Their supporters may or may not be dwindling, but they are still there, still virulent. Until a way can be found to neutralize, convert, or eliminate them, they're still a significant if asymmetrical threat, and we do right to be concerned and alert.

Sure would be nice to be able to believe our leaders, though.

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