Saturday, February 04, 2006

Dave's Thought

Dave Chappelle, an enormously funny guy, has a new joke.

He has said that he'd come back to work if he gets a sixty million dollar a year salary, half of which he'd donate to charities of his choice.

Oh, wait, he's not kidding.


The Humanity Critic said...

I don't know how I feel about his time on Oprah, but Dave had a point when he said "Who goes to Africa for medical attention" I laughed my ass off..

Cerulean Bill said...

I hadn't seen his appearance on the show, but from what was reported on the Google news site, he sounded both serious and cavalier about offer -- yes, I do intend to do it, but no, I don't mean right now, or even any time soon.

Its a generous offer, and the generosity isn't diminished by the fact that he'd essentially be giving away someone else's money. Or by the fact that he'd be earning an obscene amount of money, either way.