Saturday, November 06, 2010


One of the things that my trainer suggested is that I alter the way I eat, from the standard three (in my case, usually two) meals a day to five, each smaller than the originals. I was (and still am) skeptical about the efficacy of this, but after checking with a woman I know who's a nutritionist (she said that yes, this is a recognized concept which actually leads to a more efficient metabolism), I decided to give it a try. The trainer suggested having protein as an 'in-between' meal; this was also backed up, by my wife, in this case, who said that a nutrition person had suggested it to her as a way to avoid snacking, and she finds that it's effective.

So, yesterday afternoon, after the trainer was through tying me in knots (she says I'm doing better with the stretching; I think it's more along the lines of the that you say to a little kid when you say Good Job! when they don't spill all of the jelly on the floor), we went down to a local health foods store, where I bought a gihugic container (though not as truly gihugic as they had for sale) of Muscle Milk, a powder that looks, when you open the can, like spackling powder. It mixes moderately well, but not completely; yuck.

However, I'm trying it now, and so far, it's not bad. Not great, by any means, but not horrible. So, we'll see.

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