Thursday, March 30, 2006


Doing a little multitasking at the moment. One of the sessions that I have up on this laptop is hooked into a computer system that I support. They're doing a product upgrade so several of us got to work on it. Fortunately for me, I'm one of the ones who gets to do it remotely -- I'm sitting at the dining room table at the moment, listening to the chiming of the living room clock. Another session has Google up where I was searching for blogs about beer -- a comment made to an earlier post mentioned beer, and I thought 'there must be blogs about that', and there are. I'm not a beer drinker, but there are occasional times when I wonder if I'm missing something decent. Of course, my taste buds aren't the greatest -- I've been known to drink Tab soda and actually like the metallic aftertaste -- but I think it might be fun to try one on occasion. I have the same philosophy about that that I have about eating something different for a change -- it should be very, very good, because I won't recognize the worth of anything less. I'm just not gustatorily capable of nuance. Its got to bowl me over. One blog mentioned a beer from Lancaster Brewing, which is probably made not all that far from here. I might look for it. So, anyway, this multitasking stuff has its moments.

I've been fairly wired, last couple of days, regarding this software product that I'm trying to install. I went out for lunch today (normally, I bring something), and took the opportunity to think about it in a relatively calm manner. I came up with an idea of a way to do some of the work that needs to be done even though the big stumbling block is still there. It means doing it in a way that I would really rather not, but its either do this or stomp and whine some more, which so far hasn't borne much fruit. But anyway -- after coming up with the idea, I found myself thinking about the product itself. Its difficult to put in, but it shouldn't be -- there are no major technical skills that are needed to do it, its just a little overwhelming -- okay, a lot overwhelming -- by the sheer mass of it all -- its got what feel like a zillion combinations and permutations, and the people who wrote their doc suffered from loggorhea -- they never found a succinct phrase that couldn't be lengthened. I found myself wondering if there was any financial opportunity in this for me -- could I get to the point where I really understood how to do it, and then quit and sell that service? It'd be a limited market, for sure, and perhaps only companies with lots of money and few programmers would buy it -- but still, it was an intriguing thought.

Tomorrow I'm working from home. Maybe I'll do a little cookie baking.

We're about to have some tea -- I'm having peppermint, which I really like, and which, to my surprise, requires almost no sweetening at all -- so I'll close for now.

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