Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Kings and Queens

From the CNN Instant Poll:

Should women be allowed to be homecoming kings and men be allowed to be homecoming queens?

No - 79% ....................... Yes - 21%

Why not?


Sweeti said...

Honestly I think No...but my heart says,
let them be what they want to be. If not so much emphasis was put on this it wouldn't be an issue anymore.
...And it wouldn't have all this media attention either.
We're not changing anything other than awareness right?
...and then I think when does the pendulum swing back to the middle damn it.

Cerulean Bill said...

When does it swing back? When it gets too weird at the far end, I'd think.

And I agree with you. My (sizeable) gut says boys are kings, girls are queens -- but what the heck does it harm for them to flip roles? As compared to things of way greater import?

Me, I want to be a king. I look lousy in lace.

Cerulean Bill said...

I didn't go to many dances. Part of that was logistics -- my school was fairly far away from where I lived -- and part was me -- I didn't date in high school, damn near not in college, either. No dates means no dancing. Oh, and being fairly awkward (a trait I haven't actually so much outgrown as pretended never happened) -- that did its bit, too.

I guess the lace thing will have to go. Just as well. I didn't look all that good in the tutu, anyway....