Saturday, February 13, 2010


Saying that I'll be out to pick up my wife and daughter when they get back from the color guard fandango tonight, because a) I almost never can get to sleep while they're out, and b) I know they'll be tired from the long day, so this will save her from having to drive, sounded good around 2PM this afternoon. Right now, as I'm yawning, and thinking I could go to sleep right now, it doesn't feel quite so hot. So, I'm doing some baking -- trying my hand at some kaiser rolls. I came to the realization some time ago that using Peter Reinhart's directions to bake something is only for the confident baker; people at my skill level need more explicit, more careful guidance. Which is to say that I have no idea if these things will become Kaiser rolls, or if they'll even be edible. But it gave me something to do.

While the dough was rising, I watched a DVD of the Star Trek movie. When we bought our TV, I thought that would be a good movie to watch on a big screen. And it is. But, one twice as big as ours would not have been amiss. Still, I liked it. And I confirmed at least one suspicion from when we saw it it in the theater -- Uhura's just there to look cute. She has almost no function in the main plot. Too bad, actually. I would have liked more than just eye candy.

I should be hungry -- I haven't had any dinner -- but I'm not. Without my wife around, my meals tend to be a lot more haphazard, and are frequently things like a cheese sandwich or a bowl of cereal. And as I had cereal for lunch, a cheese sandwich -- with a spicy mustard -- might be just the ticket. But first, I want to get out there and bake those rolls. Or whatever they're destined to be.

Not bad. Need to work on getting them to stay sealed, but overall, not bad at all....

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