Sunday, February 07, 2010


I've never been good at management-speak.

From an article about 'how do you interview people':

"....I always try to get input about that person from other people. I don’t tell people necessarily, “Hey, I’m thinking about hiring so-and-so. What do you think about them?” I might say, “Give me two great things that you like about this person, and two areas where you think they have a developmental opportunity.”

People have strenths...and developmental opportunities. Whatever happened to weaknesses?

Q. What feedback have you heard about yourself through the years?

A. I will tell you that 9 times out of 10, people say that I’m impatient. However, I think in the environment that we’re in right now, coming out of bankruptcy, that has become a strength.

Impatient is bad if its you, but as it's me, it's great!

Nope, can't do it.

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